Franchise-type expansion


Franchise type expansion


From the foundation to the international market.

An alternative method of growing business and expanding your market, yet an economical method to expand your market. Based on your needs, from start-ups to international trading, we can assist you along the journey.

All About Franchise


Franchise history:

The franchise as a cost-efficient economic system, with a higher-than-average growth potential, has its origins in the USA. The first to see the advantages of franchise-type sale were USA brands - and later giants - such as Ford, Singer, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, KFC. We know them right now as “big ones,” but at ones they were also beginners.

Production sector, service industry and sales

One essential advantage to all three types of franchise systems – production, services and sales – is that the brand owners are not the ones to incur investment costs – meaning that they save capital –, and thus expansion is not only fast and efficient, but also carries significantly lower risk to Your personal budget.

Because even the “small” are big – and can be international!

Although the introduction mentioned “big” brands first, it is not necessarily a worldwide brand that we need to have in mind when looking for successful franchise networks. – For instance, we might even look to Fornetti as a successful network of a given country, or Lipóti Bakery. You do know them! Have no doubt! We will prepare You and your business for entering the UK franchise market, and provide the most successful franchise development team in Europe to do it.

Franchises in England:

The UK economy must be open to expanded, international trade, and according to this, the government offers traditionally safe legal and economic background to enterprises. This was the case before Brexit, and it doesn’t change because of Brexit either! It is welcoming towards relocating businesses, their settling in being also aided by the UK Trade and Investment government agency.

Inside the country, according to the 2015 survey of the BFA, franchise systems contribute £15.1 billion to the GDP, and the number of people employed by franchises totalled 621.000. There are a total of 901 franchise systems in the United Kingdom, operate an estimated total of 44,200 franchised units, representing a 14 % growth in two years, more than half those surveyed claiming a turnover in excess of £250,000. Franchise-type business is much more widespread and well-known in England than in Hungary, and it is much more supported.

According to other data, between 2005 and 2015 the sector showed an increase of 70%, and the franchisee-owned units reported a record level profitability of 97%, with 57% of these claiming they very satisfied with their results. Due to its structure, it raises the low, 8,4% average of willingness to start a business, since the background and support given by the franchisor decreases the failure risk of the businesses. According to statistics, only 0,4% of UK franchises fail. It provides additional security the arising disputes (most often between a franchisor and a franchisee) are predictable and resolved  quickly through the appropriate authorities.

In order to ensure the proper support for the sector, the UK franchising “coordinator” – the British Franchise Association – maintains a good relationship with national and foreign collaborating partner organisations, to gain the maximum amount of support available for UK franchising. From the government side, even the Job Centres recommend the buying of certain franchise brands as an alternative to job creation, and collaborating financial institutions often provide the capital for these. Moreover, there is a special bank guarantee targeted at franchise units and start-ups, the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme, according to which the “government guarantees to repay the bank 75% of the sums lent (between £1.000 and £1.200.000) to a qualifying small business in the event of default…managed by British Business Financial Services, …and owned by British Bank Plc.




We will prepare your Hungarian company for franchise type expansion. We will take you through all documentation, legal marketing and strategic processes. As a franchise owner, it will not fall on You to invest the capital if you open a new business unit, yet you will still benefit from its profits. Call us and think big – with the help of our team.


If you own several business units in Hungary, you are not far off from achieving franchise status. Take the plunge and continue growing in the UK! Call our office and ask for further guidance on how to multiply your income with relatively small investment. We will accompany you from the first steps to accomplishing your goal.


Do you own a franchise network in Hungary, and are ready to tackle an international market? Take it to the UK! Plan with us! We work with the best franchise development team in Europe. The UK provides very favourable launch opportunities, and at the same time, a stepping stone towards global expansion. With us, you can find all the assistance you need from planning to entering the global market.


We will prepare your UK company for franchise type expansion. As a franchise owner, it will not fall on You to invest the capital if you open a new business unit, yet you will still benefit from its profits. Don’t worry if you feel you speak less than perfect English. Call us and think big in the UK – with the help of our team – in Hungarian.


If you live in the UK, and you have led your business so successfully that you own several business units, the time is ripe to further capitalise on your successful business solutions! We will take you through all documentation, legal marketing and strategic processes. For your convenience, you can talk to us in Hungarian, or personally consult with the best franchise development office in Europe.


Do you have an important franchise network in the UK, and would like to expand towards Hungary? Are you interested in the European market? We can render the most useful assistance in entering the Hungarian market, which, due to its geographical location, is an ideal starting point to corner the entire European market. Contact us, and we will overcome the complications posed by the transition into the European legal system and handle the language barrier.

Contact us:

English: +44 7456 977749

Hungarian: +36 70 584 0757

Our office leases premises in Liverpool,
in “The Women’s Organisation’s” business and conference building:

Address: 54 St James St, Liverpool L1 0AB

The Women’s Organisation’s building

How we operate:

Our first consultation is free.

If you decide to work with us, our consultant will work with you to understand your current situation, your goals, and the challenges you face.
In simple counselling, we may only meet once or twice, but in general, we usually work together for about a year, a timeline which can be modified as needed, for example, until the project is completed or the goals are met

The consultant’s job is to consult and give advice!
No more, no less.
The consultant also makes personalized recommendations, that fit what you want to achieve.
Consultants are experts in the field in which they work. However, if your issue requires even more specialized expertise, our consultant – with the assistance of our professional network – will work together with specialists in your field to provide you with the most professional-level support.

Major consulting areas in which we work:

Giselle-T Consultancy has business development and consulting expertise in a number of areas, including the following main sectors:


Financial advice

Our wide range of services also include business loans, may it be for multiple devices or in need of some extra investment, for instance if you would like to buy an office space. In most cases, we can offer you a solution when banks cannot. Furthermore, we will assist you in opening a bank account, currency guides as well as POS terminal placement support.

Financial advice

Bank account opening, business loans, online banking

Start-up advice

The first help we can offer you is assistance in starting up your business – depending on wether you want to conduct your business activities in England or Hungary.

Start-up advice

Help with getting started

General business advice

With tremendous experience we can support your growth and development ambitions, in order to maximise your profits.

General business advice

English experience for effective development.

Business expansion advice

If you already have a business, we can help with the expansion and/or design a strategy for you. 

Business expansion advice

If you move on with your business

Business development consultancy

May it be business relations, new market entry strategies or international business expansion, we know the solution. With our cooperation, together we identify the best opportunities fitting all your ideas and if you ever need assistance, we are here to help.

Business development consultancy

Development is a new challenge


An alternative method of growing business and expanding your market, yet an economical method to expand your market. Based on your needs, from start-ups to international trading, we can assist you along the journey.

Franchise type expansion

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Our consultancy company collaborates with a number of experts:

ACCOUNTING – Member of ACRA: – Company foundation – Virtual office rental – Mail handling service – Bookkeeping – Tax optimization – Corporate tax refund – Personal income tax return

A BUSINESS LENDING – More than 300 lenders: – with professional advisors, IFAs, accountants and directly with businesses to provide all types of business finance. Take advantage of our business lending services.

BUSINESS PROPERTY BUYING – Mortgage loan for businesses: – Our experienced brokers will get you the best mortgage rates based on your individual situation, forming a personal partnership with our clients.

FRANCHISING – BFA affiliate: – It helps owners grow their business nationally and internationally through business format franchising. Provides the conception, development, launch and ongoing support.

LEGAL ADVICE – EU and English law specialist: – Finding business-focused solutions for you. Our goal is on helping you mitigate risk and benefit from innovation, enabling your business or organisation to thrive.

IT SOLUTION – Cloud-based business operation: – Flexible business solutions with an unrestricted, user-friendly software. Innovative platform for business management

WEB DESIGNER: – Taking each project seriously and striving to change the way you think about design and doing business with a fresh, creative approach to problem-solving, delivering you a site that works, achieves goals, and exceeds expectations.

INSURANCE BROKER – Personalised approach: – A highly personalised approach to the insurance and risk management needs of businesses. To create an intelligent insurance solution for any business customer is to really understand the business and the risks it faces.



Hungarian Medical Association Of The United Kingdom​

Giselle-T Consultancy works closely with the Hungarian Medical Association of the United Kingdom.
If you have any questions about business or management in the medical sector, be it private or public, feel free to contact us!

MiCamp Europe

You can request reference or confirmation from MiCamp Europe at any time regarding banking activities we mediate or POS terminal sales. MiCamp Europe provides the official European representation and distribution of myPOS. Giselle-T Conultancy is an official agent of myPOS and a representative of MiCamp Europe

Prima Medica Lifestyle Franchise

It is a Hungarian-owned, Hungarian-based franchise project, based on the private medical services sector. Giselle-T Consultancy is currently working on Prima Medica being implemented in England.
References can be obtained from the owner of Prima Medica, namely Doctor Babai Laszlo.

Gabor J. Takacs-Carvalho

Science and technology attaché - UK, London Embassy of Hungary

Ildikó is a diligent and kind professional.
I worked with her on organization development and conference organisation projects. She employs structured thinking and diligent execution from the begining to the and end of all projects. Drive and creative thinking are a few of her strength. She is also a pleasent person to work with.

Reserve LA.

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Contact us:

English: +44 7456 977749

Hungarian: +36 70 584 0757

Our office leases premises in Liverpool,
in “The Women’s Organisation’s” business and conference building:

Address: 54 St James St, Liverpool L1 0AB

The Women’s Organisation’s building

Contact us

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